Wednesday, 28 January 2009

target train

In life, we got many points of view to follow. You should choose one to be your main thinking line, based in references that you had, during the construction of your own character. Or not.

I came to show you two adds from Fiat, one in Italian and the other one in French. I’ve been questioning with Lucca and Filipe, about the essence of the information behind the emotional feelings that they pass. And we conclude that they made a mistake because the French video has another sort of images, words and final message but in the same context, which breaks the whole intimacy that we already developed with the first Fiat Italian’s add. They proved that it’s all about money, when they could cover this true having another idea. Or something like this.

Watch the Italian one first, so then go to the French one later.      

And i want to congratulate my friends for starting to write.

Cheers MarcelloP_

(please don't look my english mistakes)


Flat 1209 - Curva de Rio said...

your english couldn't be better, that's why I think, actually I'm sure, you cheated, you copied from somewhere 'couse your english is a shit velho!!!
or not?

Flat 1209 - Curva de Rio said...

porra bichona! que melhora!!

ja dizia o pastor: "ora que melhora"!!

Flat 1209 - Curva de Rio said...

o legal é que a gente escreve e agente comenta!