Friday, 23 January 2009

What is here written is something I found in the net, is not 'flour from my sack'(I mean is not plagiarism)but the fact of 'ME' founding it, is demostration of my concern.
Luca F.C. forencunt

“The important thing is to never stop questioning.” That quote is often attributed to Einstein. I cannot confirm that he ever actually said this. But I doubt I would hear many arguments if I suggested he was one of the greatest thinkers in history.

Is “questioning” really all that important? I guess it depends on how you interpret “important”. At some point in my life I decided to take that path. “Questioning” … “knowing” … is very important to me.

It’s even more important to me than “happiness”.

I also read a study once of a conjectural connection between intelligence, depression and a “sense of reality”: they tested people who identified themselves as “happy, content” and people who identified themselves as “unhappy, depressed” and gave them a test to assess their knowledge of history and current events. The “happy” people had no idea what went on or what was going on, whereas the “unhappy” people did. Whether they knew these things because they were depressed type people or were depressed because they knew these things is hard to guess.


Luca Fredianelli


Flat 1209 - Curva de Rio said...

Definitely, more important than any answer, are the questions.

Flat 1209 - Curva de Rio said...

ques·tion (kwschn)
a. An expression of inquiry that invites or calls for a reply.
b. An interrogative sentence, phrase, or gesture.
2. A subject or point open to controversy; an issue.
3. A difficult matter; a problem: a question of ethics.
4. A point or subject under discussion or consideration.
a. A proposition brought up for consideration by an assembly.
b. The act of bringing a proposal to vote.
6. Uncertainty; doubt: There is no question about the validity of the enterprise.
v. ques·tioned, ques·tion·ing, ques·tions
1. To put a question to. See Synonyms at ask.
2. To examine (a witness, for example) by questioning; interrogate.
3. To express doubt about; dispute.
4. To analyze; examine.

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