Saturday, 29 November 2008


Hello Guys, i was writing here a elaborated text but i did a shit and missed all the hard job...
so now i'm lazy pa caraio and i'm just going to say what is this...

it's a part of the Ad campaign of the Creative Suite 4 Master Collection, a Adobe's software...

They join the Goodby, Silverstein & Partners e a Nexus Productions from Londres to give life for this nice job...

i hope you to like... It names "The Seed" and it's about a circle of apple's seed!

See you mate...

filme feito por Goodby, Silverstein & Partners e a Nexus Productions para adobe, sobre o ciclo de uma semente de maçã. Bacana trabalhoso e legal de se conferir... Filme que faz parte da campanha do lançamento


Thursday, 27 November 2008

Hi everybody,

I wanted to write a little,

and here is the english translation.

Today I tell you a story,

It’s about a bridge,

yes, a bridge.

You’ll say:

-‘what about a bridge? A bridge is made and that’s it!’

But it’s not like this.

Before there was not a bridge, and you could stay on one side or the other.

Then the bridge is made and people, animals, goods, culture and art start to pass over it, but also war, religions and epidemic diseases.

The fact is that a bridge looks motionless but the pressure of the water flowing under its arches generates hollow spaces where the pillars move damaging the structure of the bridge.

Another bridge It’s then build next to it, and once finished the former is dismantled.

This is how bridges move.

The bridge I want to tell you about was first built of wood, a floating bridge.

It stands to reason that there was a extreme need of connecting the two shores.

In fact nowadays a bridge still exist in that very point of the river I’m talking about.

The bridge has been improved whit piers during the years till being made of stone.

Considerable traffic and trade led the bridge to be widened and reinforced but eventually moved.

In the meanwhile other bridges rose nearby, some of them more beautiful but not more useful or important.

One of them was so beautiful and famous to convince a rich and powerful man from overseas in buying it, just like that, he wanted to buy the beautiful bridge, the symbol of the city divided by the river.

He didn’t think of it twice, he went to the owner (because bridges have a owner) and purchased the bridge with the intention of rebuild it in his country, making of it the biggest tourist attraction, remarking that with money anything is purchasable, even the symbol of a city, its people and their culture.

The citizen during weeks assisted to the patient job of the workers numbering each stone than placing them on the ship that will have brought them to destination.

The bridge was promptly replaced with a brand new one build few meters away and city life kept going on without loosing its identity.

The rich and powerful man, when the bridge was already rebuilt stone after stone on the man-made canal wanted by him in the middle of the desert (after crossing an ocean, the Panama canal and five hundred kilometres of railroad) realized the mistake.

The structure in front of him didn’t remind at all the bridge acquired by him with an extraordinary offer at the auction tree years before.

It’s time now of telling you that he signed the purchase of the famous ‘London Bridge’ mistakenly believing to bring to America the ‘Tower Bridge’ symbol of London.

You don’t believe it?

Don’t worry, I just told you a story.


I leave the Italian version just because it's better written.

Oggi vi racconto una storia,

é la storia di un ponte,

si, un ponte.

Voi direte:

- ‘che storia può avere un ponte? Un ponte viene fatto e basta!’

E invece no.

Un ponte prima non c’èra, e si stava o di qua o di là,

poi il ponte è fatto e si incomincia a passare, persone, animali, mezzi carichi di merci, cultura ed arte ma anche guerre, religioni ed epidemie.

Il fatto è che un ponte sembra immobile ma l’acqua che scorre sotto le arcate spinge e crea vuoti nei quali i piloni si spostano creando imperfezioni nell’assetto della struttura.

Viene quindi costruito un altro ponte poco più lontano ed una volta terminato si procede allo smantellamento del precedente.

E’ così che si muovono i ponti.

Il ponte di cui vi voglio parlare è stato inizialmente costruito in legno, un ponte galleggiante.

E’ evidente che c’èra necessità estrema di collegare le due sponde, tant’è vero che fino ai giorni nostri un ponte è sempre esistito in quel punto di quel fiume di cui vi racconto.

Il ponte è stato negli anni perfezionato con piloni fino ad essere costruito in pietra.

Il traffico e gli scambi commerciali erano notevoli ed è stato quindi ampliato e rinforzato ma poi spostato, nel frattempo altri ponti sono sorti nelle vicinanze qualcuno più bello ma non certo più utile o più importante.

Qualcuno era talmente bello e famoso che un ricco e potente signore d’oltreoceano si mise in testa di comprarlo, proprio così, voleva comprare il bel ponte simbolo ormai della città divisa dal fiume.

Non ci pensò due volte, andò dal proprietario (perché i ponti hanno un proprietario) e acquistò il ponte con lo scopo di ricostruirlo nel suo paese e farne la più grande attrazione turistica, marcando il fatto che con il denaro si potesse comprare tutto, anche il simbolo di una città, di un popolo, di una cultura.

Per settimane i cittadini guardarono stupefatti l’opera paziente degli operai che meticolosamente numeravano ogni pietra, disponendola poi sulla nave che l’avrebbe portata nel nuovo mondo.

Il ponte venne prontamente sostituito con uno nuovo un poco più distante e la vita della città continuò senza perdere la sua identità.

Il ricco e potente signore, quando il ponte era già stato ricostruito pietra dopo pietra sul fiume artificiale che fece scavare di proposito in mezzo al deserto (dopo aver attraversato un oceano, il canale di Panama e cinquecento chilometri di strada ferrata) si accorse di un errore.

La struttura di fronte a lui non ricordava affatto quella del ponte da lui acquistato con una strabiliante offerta all’asta di tre anni prima.

È tempo ora di dirvi che firmò l’acquisto del famoso ‘London bridge’ pensando di concludere un affare e portare in America ‘Tower bridge’, simbolo della città di Londra.

Non ci credete?

Tranquilli, vi ho solo raccontato una storia.


Luca Fredianelli London Twenty Seventh November Two Thousand Eight

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

this is something I wrote some time ago, but I still think the same.
I'm fed up with people's bias and pre-concepts and I want to express how I'm displeased with the way I've been treated in this city (London)where more than half of the population has non-white skin, it means that British are a minority of foreigner in "their" land.
----From The Times June 6, 2007----
"Muhammad is No 2 in boy's name,
is now second only to Jack as the most popular name for baby boys in Britain and is likely to rise to No 1 by next year, a study by The Times has found."
I'm really sorry(not so much) about that but it's not my fault as immigrant, British empire has been all over the world and this is the consequence...the only thing they can do is learn how to share their existence with all other human beings, because in less than ten years time their doughter/son will come back home with a black boy/girl-friend, or perhaps, with me!!!
be happy.

Luca ''Muhammad'' Fredianelli F.C.
(Foren Cunt....)

Monday, 24 November 2008

Entropia do Logotipo

fala galera, nós escolhemos o logo mas eu ainda não tive a oportunidade de explicar oque esta por de traz das linhas, ou pelo fato de alguns não saberem de onde a gente é ou pelo simples fato de não ter reparado na informação...

primeiro lugar, somos um bando de pessoas ligadas pelo mesmo flat. ou ja morou ou mora ou aparece de fim de semana.

Flat 1209: o numero do apartamento situado no aragon tower.

Curva de Rio: expressão usada no brasil que traduz o lugar onde todo o reziduo pelo rio arrastado pára, pela inércia ou algo do tipo... ciência bixô!

UK: Reino Unido, Inglaterra, onde a gente mora, pelo menos esses tempos!

Rio degradê: Thames, Thamisa... O rio que atravessa a cidade de leste a oeste e que tem uma curva e bem onde o flat1209 está situado.

Pingo do "I" vermelho: posição exata de onde esta o flat!

NeverStopQuestioning... po, moçada não vou explicar esse né? Mas, a princípio, era a senha do computador do Luca, que visto por outro lado, é a senha de acesso da casa!

é isso...


Saturday, 22 November 2008

Movimento Persiana Ja!

Chega de noites mal dormidas na sala. O sol da mannha nao eh amigo de ressacas. Se voce ja dormiu no sofa, na cadeira, no chao, na pia ou no colchao da sala junte-se a nos nesse grito por justica: Persiana na sala ja! Ressaquentos do mundo uni-vos!


Friday, 21 November 2008


Crowdsourcing, maybe it's not the most adequate neologism to what's going on here, but it's close to that. The problem emerges from the definition of "work" or "tasks", as we understand them.
Maybe we should use "coletivo", as graffiti's people say. It's more informal and get us a little bit in their mood!!

Crowdsourcing, talvez nao seja o termo mais adequado para o que se passa nesse blog, mas eh algo perto disso. O problema surge da definicao de "trabalho" e "tarefas", da maneira que entendemos estes.
Talvez devessemos user "coletivo", como a galera do grafiti diz. Eh mais informal e deixa a gente mais na pegada deles!!

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Ch-ch-ch-check it out!

Video from Target Nine, a friend's band that called me to direct and edit this hard-work but rewarding job. Opinions are welcome!



Open-minded people?!

There's already some time that I've been thinking about this article. I'd like to write something more detailed and complete but, really, nobody will read a giant post. In the end it's not an article or anything like that, just a general overview of what's going.

Privacy is, definitely, a very delicate issue. Specially when it evolves both the extremes, both "sides of the force".
Last year I've been to a talk with an Egyptian reporter (something like a 'leader' of the Egyptian blogging community) and a Egyptian Hacker. The talk took place in a very posh space in the SouthBank Centre. They were there to talk about the Internet government censorship in their country (Really severe, including blogger's getting arrested for their posts!!).

The talk was "ok", everything on the rails, all the "open-minded people" really supporting "privacy" and completely against censorship. Ok... that seems nice... They started to discuss the tools that were being used to protect blogger's privacy, that's when all the shit came over!! "What!? Terrorists are using the same tools as you?!" "So they can't be traced in the Internet and their communications are encrypted?!" "Fuck!! What?! No! No! We've to stop them using it!!" Exactly. Those wore the words from all the "open-minded people" there.

You see?! Think about it. I don't need to say anything else.

Nowadays you can find many tools to help you protecting your privacy. In the end, security and privacy is a process. Many tools, procedures and methodologies must be adopted if you want to be "99%" anonymous in the Internet.

Let's have a look at two of them: Freenet and Tor.

Freenet [ or wikipedia ]
A quite old, but important in it's concept, P2P (peer to peer - a network with no central server) network. The idea was to build a network of computers like a "parallel" encrypted Internet. Each computer stored some sites (encrypted in a way that even you don't know what's stored in your comp) and, once logged in the network, you could retrieve files that were hosted there! Great! Fantastic! A free territory to save, say and share whatever you want and what's even better "anonymous"!
Freenet is quite obsolete now. But many networks were created based on it's ideas.
The most recent ones are Share and Perfect Dark

Tor [ or at wikipedia ]
Anonymous routing, that's the idea behind Tor. Instead of supplying a parallel Internet, Tor create a network (P2P again, with no central servers) that simply encrypt the requests! So, basically, when you ask for a Internet site , using the "Tor application", it forwards you request to other Tor computers, anonymously, one of them access the website and give you it back!
It's great for anonymous navigation and widely supported by the hacker community.

I really encourage you to try to use one of them. Actually Tor is much more simple and, probably, will be more useful to you all, whom, generally, wants to access Internet public content. Isn't it?!

ps.: The Egyptian hacker, wisely, supported the terrorists right to privacy.

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Life is a journey, not an ending.

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

target train

As soon as i sow coxas post, i decide to post my weekendly brainstorm!!!

it means that, today i'm going to speak about the new Dido Album...No not about the musics but about her way to spread her work...

she request for some directors to make a movie with them point of view about Home. Cozz the name of this album is "safe trip home", so then...
it's on the site and we have here in london a lot of outdoors in the tube, and blablabla!!! but the site is so nice!


Monday, 17 November 2008

Coleta Seletiva #2

Ok, kind of late, but still worth it. This week's Coleta Seletiva was started witha request from Pimpao, that apparently got cheered up by some Caipirinha and discovered the wonders of Mr. Jorge Ben Jor. By the way, I like his music better when he was still called just Jorge Ben... some people say that he changed his name because of numerology, but I also heard that the real reason is that he was trying to start an international career and didn't want people to confuse him with the famous guitarist George Benson. Anyway, after Pimpo's request I went hunting for some of the tracks and felt like listening to some more Brazilian groove, and that's what you get in this edition. There's Banda Black Rio starting the party with the amazing instrumental track "Maria Fumaca", please take notice of the perfect mix between the typical funk bass and the typical samba percussion. After this we head off with Mr. Ben and some of his best tunes, I would say "Errare Humanum Est" is my favorite from these ones. Than Wilson Simonal comes with a version of "Nana", a song composed by Moacir Santos, with lyrics by Mario Telles, and turned into a classic of MPB, recorded by more than 100 artists. And if good versions is what we're after, than Toni Tornado shows us his rendition of a James Brown song in his "Sou Negro". And that's the spirit we go through to the end with highlights from Tim Maia, Bebeto, Trio Ternura, Di Melo and another instrumental gem to close everything beautifully. Definately a good soundtrack for the next party! See you than!

SeeqPod - Playable Search

Votação! (nao vale Kassab!!)

Graaande Popoff!! Caipirinha, som de joao e um Photoshop no Domingo a noite!

Tres logos pra votarmos. Votem, escolham um e vambora!!
Mes que vem sai a camiseta!!

E ai?!

Friday, 14 November 2008

Dirty Dancing

I was watching some movies at youtube and i found this one!!!

We can not forget that this movies or kind of, had a real importance in the history...

How many people got this movie like the movie of relationship, what gives god memories...etc...

We can't forget love!



Thursday, 13 November 2008

E ti svegli una mattina...

Odio i blog per questo motivo!
Ti armi di buona volontà. Ti metti a pensare. Svisioni sulle tue paronie, e ti entusiasmi per le cose che ti rendono contenta... almeno un po', (anche se in realtà, alcune, ti ci fanno venire i luccioni agli occhi da come sei contenta; anche perchè te sei così.... ti garbano le cose semplici); sicchè niente; fai mente locale e inizi a scrivere.
Poi non arriva Joao, si controlla la posta, ti fa vedere qualche foto, scambiate du' chiacchiere, e poi dici " vabbè, lui va a letto, io finisco il discorso e faccio come lui."
E invece macchè!
Torni alla tua pagina, e il cazzo di blog non ti ha salvato neanche una misera bozza!!! CRISTO!!!
Deh! Lo so ! Ora pensate che la spastica so' io, e non è affatto colpa del pc, che POVERINO... esegue solo gli ordini! Ma cazzo! Gli ho ordinato Ctrl+Z! E lui m'ha cagato sul petto!
Non si fa mica così.
Vi volevo dire tante cose belline...
Ora non mi riesce più!
Forse è meglio che si crea un po' di c'avevo la vena giusta! Ora chissà quando mi ritorna. Forse alla prossima bottiglia di vino, ma chi può dirlo?!
Il concetto era che comunque che svisono un po'. Sono sul quel filo, che un po' mi culla e un po' mi dà le vertigini.

Non mi sento davvero pronta. Non sono riuscita neanche a capire per bene la cartina... che BOMBA LIBERA TUTTI!!! Sei stata nominata.
Ora, non che tu non abbia un motivo. Qullo ce l'hai, e beh... è un SIGNOR motivo.
Vabbè non sai se quel treno ti porterà o meno a destinazione, ma vale la pena di provare. Cioè, non è che vale la pena... fa parte del tuo sogno. Sicchè, se ce la fai, magari la smetti di chiudere gli occhi per sognare, e cominci pensare ad altro. Sempre che cambiamenti di questo tipo non ti scombussolino troppo signorina. (Era dal periodo in cui ero sotto tesi che non mi mangiavo le unghie, e stasera l'ho finite!!!MALEDETTA!!) E via, pigli e te ne torni a casa. Forse mi ci voleva più tempo, o magari è sufficiente per quella che sono.
Si, son contenta perchè quest'esperienza m'è servita, (d'altronde questo è il compito di ognuna di loro), sono realmente me stessa, anche se non sempre è facile farsi capire e capire; perhè so' così... nel mio, con la testa mezza rotta. Per il mio carattere, per le mie abitudine, o meglio per le mie necessità. Perchè ogni tanto qualche sega mentale me la faccio, e beh... non è proprio piacevole come il fatto fisico in sè! Però è piacevole conoscersi e farsi conoscere. Come lo è condividere e condividersi.
Ecco sì, quello che mi manca, che ho lasciato a casa, e che sto cercando di scoprire qui è la complicità. Ora che ho la presunzione di iniziare a trovarla devo però prendere un volo che non vorrei prendere, per cambiarlo semplicemente con quello di un "treno" che so di non poter perdere. Mi viene un po' da pensare! Dai oh! Alla fine ci vogliono anche i momenti di introspezione. Non che non li abbia avuti in questo periodo, però... ma non so lo se e quanto sono pronta. Tutto qui. Mi sembra solo di farmi trasportare dal vento...

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Einstein's dreams - a chapter

A MAY 1905

There is a place where time stands still.Raindrops hang motionless in air. Pendulumsof clocks float mid-swing. Dogs raisetheir muzzles in silent howls. Pedestriansare frozen on the dusty streets, their legscocked as if held by strings. The aromas ofdates, mangoes, coriander, cumin are suspendedin space.

As a traveler approaches this place fromany direction, he moves more and moreslowly. His heartbeats grow farther apart,his breathing slackens, his temperaturedrops, his thoughts diminish, until hereaches dead center and stops. For this isthe center of time. From this place, timetravels outward in concentric circles—atrest at the center, slowly picking up speedat greater diameters.Who would make pilgrimage to the centerof time? Parents with children, andlovers.

And so, at the place where time standsstill, one sees parents clutching their children,in a frozen embrace that will never letgo. The beautiful young daughter with blueeyes and blond hair will never stop smilingthe smile she smiles now, will never losethis soft pink glow on her cheeks, will nevergrow wrinkled or tired, will never get injured,will never unlearn what her parentshave taught her, will never think thoughtsthat her parents don't know, will neverknow evil, will never tell her parents thatshe does not love them, will never leave herroom with the view of the ocean, will neverstop touching her parents as she does now.And at the place where time stands still,one sees lovers kissing in the shadows ofbuildings, in a frozen embrace that willnever let go. The loved one will never takehis arms from where they are now, willnever give back the bracelet of memories,will never journey far from his lover, willnever place himself in danger in self-sacrifice,will never fail to show his love,
willnever become jealous, will never fall in lovewith someone else, will never lose the passionof this instant in time.

One must consider that these statues areilluminated by only the most feeble redlight, for light is diminished almost to nothingat the center of time, its vibrationsslowed to echoes in vast canyons, its intensityreduced to the faint glow of fireflies.Those not quite at dead center do indeedmove, but at the pace of glaciers. A brushof the hair might take a year, a kiss mighttake a thousand. While a smile is returned,seasons pass in the outer world. While achild is hugged, bridges rise. While a goodbyeis said, cities crumble and are forgotten.And those who return to the outer world. . . Children grow rapidly, forget the centuries-long embrace from their parents,which to them lasted but seconds. Childrenbecome adults, live far from their parents,live in their own houses, learn ways of theirown, suffer pain, grow old. Children cursetheir
parents for trying to hold them forever,curse time for their own wrinkled skin andhoarse voices. These now old children alsowant to stop time, but at another
time. Theywant to freeze their own children at the centerof time.

Lovers who return find their friends arelong gone. After all, lifetimes have passed.They move in a world they do not recognize.Lovers who return still embrace in the shadowsof buildings, but now their embracesseem empty and alone. Soon they forget thecenturies-long promises, which to themlasted only seconds. They become jealouseven among strangers, say hateful things toeach other, lose passion, drift apart, growold and alone in a world they do not know.Some say it is best not to go near thecenter of time. Life is a vessel of sadness,but it is noble to live life, and without timethere is no life. Others disagree. Theywould rather have an eternity of contentment,even if that eternity were fixed andfrozen, like a butterfly mounted in a case.

It's one of the most fantastic site that i ever seen!!!!

Following the wave of widgets, i think it's right, this guys build one site telling you what is happening in the hole world at this moment...

Some of those i don't know how!

Go on it...

It's a kind of publishing aswell!


Tuesday, 11 November 2008

this is my first release on the blog and of course will be in italian.
It's about a story Joao just told me today about a guy sent back to brasil.
if you're interested I'll translate it.

Mettiamo che sei brasiliano e non hai finito le scuole e non ti piace la situazione del tuo paese e decidi a tutti i costi di partire.

Hai molti amici in quella città che è la capitale d’Europa, quel continente da dove i tuoi nonni provengono, cazzo, scappi e senza il permesso ti intrufoli nel paese.

Non male la vita da immigrato clandestino, lavori senza pagare le tasse e non ti ammali perché sei giovane, la vita va avanti per quasi cinque anni fino a che una sera hai bevuto un po’ troppo e ti scappa di pisciare che non resisti, trovi un angolino e lì ti lasci andare orinando davanti ad un portone, chi non l’ha mai fatto? Pensi, e in quel momento ti senti rivolgere la parola in modo brusco, ti volti ed è un ufficiale di polizia, ecco, generalità? Documenti?

Notte in prigione e nemmeno il tempo di avvisare la ragazza con la quale convivi da due anni che è tornata in Polonia dalla madre per una breve vacanza già sei in quell’aereo per san paolo su cui speravi di salire con il biglietto da te comprato per Natale.

Boa sorte.


Let’s say you’re Brazilian you didn’t finish the school and don’t like the reality of your country, you decide at any risk to leave.

You got a lot of friends in that city which is capital of Europe, that continent where you grand parents come from, fuck, you run off and you sneak in the country with no permit.

Clandestine life is not so bad, you work without paying taxes and you don’t get sick because you’re young, life goes on for almost five years,

Until one night you drunk a bit too much and you got to pee, you can’t help it, you find a corner and start to urinate on a doorstep, who never did so?

you think, and in that very moment a voice calls you very sharply, you turn to see a police officer, ecco (here we are), generality? ID?

One night in prison and not even the time to inform the girl you’re living with since two years whom is now back to Poland to see her mother and you’re already on that plane to Sao Paolo on which you wished to board with the ticket you bought for Christmas.

Boa Sorte

Luca Fredianelli London November Two Thousand Eight

Sunday, 9 November 2008

Felipe grazie abbestia!

Ecco ora lo so come fare, quindi posso scrivere nel blog.
Per il momento non mi diletto in grandi discorsi, ringrazio solo Felipe di avermi reso partecipe di questo blog. E pure del buon caffè e di Lisbela, che è un po' la sountrack di questa mia esperienza qui a Londra, e tutte le volte che la sento sorrido e penso sia all'amico Felipe che al flat 1209, e all'aria che si respira qui (tranne quando fumo troppo).
Per "l'articolo" sul design, ci si può provare... vediamo cosa ne viene fuori.
Ora un bakelluzzo dalla vostra principessa.

Target Train

Aproveitando a onda de postagens semanais, eu comeco hoje uma nova coluna!

Pedalando na minha Area, Publicidade, vou apresentar oque tem, teve e vai ter de legal nesse Meio...

Vou fazer a cada semana um post com: Cases, Acoes, Filmes publicitarios, Midia, historicos, lancamentos, Campanhas, Criticas, erros e acertos.

Comecando hoje com uma criacao do estúdio Art Snob. Photoshop analogico.
Um poster para uma revenda chamada Software Asli. Adobe Photoshop CS4 na vida real. Muito legal, vale a pena dar um zoom na imagem.


E tudo isso sem acento!
Marcello P.

Friday, 7 November 2008

X years ago

I've always liked those newspaper sections like "100 years ago", you know? Where they show what happened at that same day, but a hundred years ago.
Just search at Wikipedia for the actual day, like 9th November!! Amazing.

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Coleta Seletiva #1

Ok, I decided to start a kind of fixed section here, which I'll call Coleta Seletiva, and it's basically every thursday or friday I'll put here some of the music that I've been listening during the week. For this first issue we start with Little Joy, band that has Rodrigo Amarante from Los Hermanos and Fabricio Moretti from the Strokes, they just released their first album and it's quite nice. Than we have the new project from Devendra Banhart, called Megapuss, followed by the Fleet Foxes, an american band that does folk music and reminds me of groups like Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young and The Birds. Death Vessel is the next band, but I don't know much about them, just discovered it today, but I think it's pretty cool anyway. After that we have Wilco, great band from Chicago, so you can say it's my homage to Mr. Obama. And closing this first Coleta Seletiva we have a Leonard Cohen moment, first with himself singing his "Tower of Song" and than with Katie Melua doing her version of "In My Secret Life". Hope you enjoy.



SeeqPod - Playable Search

Bookshlef - a tal da Prateleira

Planetwalker: A Memoir of 22 Years of Walking and 17 Years of Silence - John Francis
As a young man, John Francis witnesses the devastating effects of a 1971 oil spill in San Francisco Bay. He stops using motorised transportation and begins a walk that will continue for twenty-two years and span two continents. A few months later, he takes a vow of silence that lasts seventeen years. Through his silence and walking he learns to listen and to become a good steward of the earth. Born the son of West Indian immigrants in North Philadelphia, John overcomes fear and the objections of his family as he walks from California to Montana in silence, earning college and graduate degrees in science and environmental studies. He then walks through America's heartland, where he earns a PhD. in land resources. When he reaches the East Coast, the United Nations Environment Programme appoints him goodwill ambassador to the world's grassroots communities, and the U.S. government recruits him to write oil spill regulations following the Exxon Valdez disaster." Planetwalker" is the deeply personal and engaging story of John's remarkable journey - the positive experiences, the challenging times, the diverse characters encountered, the majesty of our land - and the wisdom he gained along the way. Along with John's poems, drawings, and watercolors, the book also contains practical suggestions on how we too can become better stewards of the earth and make our own pilgrimages both great and small.

E o classico, indispensavel numa cidade em que ninguem tem tempo:

Einstein's Dreams - Alan Lightman
In this book, Alan Lightman has created a series of vignettes that describe some dreams that Einstein could have had while trying to understand the mysteries of relativity, space, and time. Each vignette contains a world that behaves according to a particular model or perception of time and space, inhabited by people who have evolved behaviors and philosophies as a consequence of this paradigm.
The stories work on at least two different levels. The first level contains many elements of science fiction. It asks questions like "What if time were circular and known to be so?" or "What if causality did not exist?" Picky readers looking only at this aspect will find the book to be rather uneven and strained. For example, a world with no time has been described with a series of evocative and frozen images of people and things, such as "A cat watching a bug on the window.". But a world without time could not have reached this state. Rather the worlds that Lightman described have reached some state, approximately something that we would recognize, and then have had this new time condition imposed upon them. But, these exceptions aside, the internal logic of each world can be very thought provoking.

Escalação da Semana

Pra manter o costume.
Semana tranquilaaassa!!

Quarto 1

Quarto 2
Caterina Princepessa

Quarto 3 (sala)

Sunday, 2 November 2008