Wednesday, 25 February 2009

se eu tivesse um Projetor

If I'd a projector...

What would I use it for? What would you watch?

1. SHAMU !!!

The Shamu Cam is located in SeaWorld San Diego and runs between 9am - 5:30pm Pacific Standard Time daily. Starting at Midnight, we will replay the footage so you can see all of the fun from the previous day. Thank you for visiting!
Veja as acrobacias da orca Shamu no SeaWorld de San Diego, nos Estados Unidos. Incidentalmente, Shamu é uma marca registrada e batiza diversas orcas dos SeaWorlds espalhados pelo mundo - como Mickey Mouse ou Ronald McDonald. A Shamu de San Diego pode ser vista pela webcam, ao vivo, das 4h às 12h30, com reprise começando às 17h (horário de Brasília).

[ shamu cam: ] 

Saturday, 21 February 2009

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

The last week movie

The last week movie was a reference about our weekend and also our world issue!!!

Arido Movie

Director: Lírio Ferreira.

Main Awards and indications.

Grande Prêmio Cinema Brasil

* It'd recieved twelve indication to best Film, Director,best Actor (José Dumont), supporting actor (Selton Mello e Aramis Trindade), female supporting actor (Mariana Lima), best script Original, better fashion magazine, Better Soundtrack, best art director, photograph and sound.

Cine PE - Pernambuco Awards

* won six awards in best movie, best director, photograph, edition, supporting actor (Selton Mello).

Festival de Cinema Brasileiro de Miami

* Lente de Cristal, best director.

Monday, 16 February 2009

What is Sustainability?

A simple and general overview of sustainability.

Sunday, 15 February 2009

remember not to forget

As musicas não param na minha cabeça, e sei o que significa.

Falo pra mim. Pra me lembrar de minhas palavras, que de certo vão mudar. Enquanto as musicas tocarem dentro da minha cabeça, sem que eu as escolha, sem que peçam licença, sei que ainda hei de mudar.

Me lembro de uma noite em especial. Uma noite fria, húmida e quase silenciosa, não fossem as musicas em mim.
A noite veio, e com ela o fogo, o frio, os barulhos e por fim, o fim das musicas, e o silencio. Elas pararam.

Ao reler meu caderno, encontrei por ali "e as musicas começam a parar na minha cabeça". Registrei isso, naquele momento. Da mesma forma que registro isso agora.
Muito barulho e arruaça se passa. As imagens gritam e cantam vivas com sons. Curtas metragens invadem o resto do espaço.
Trilhas sonoras.

Essa mistura toda que reciclo, registro e, provavelmente, encravo em mim.

A situação eh outra, o ambiente, a rotina e os desejos. Os caminhos.
Me ofereço possibilidades e ofertas. Estrago e rasgo algumas, cultivo outras. Mas de fato enfrento uma transição.

Personagens se espalham por ai, mas muitos morrem.
Outro dia mesmo, nas palavras de uma amiga, encontrei um sujeito, que não via a 10 anos. Seu jeito moleque ainda vive e sempre viveu dentro dela. Que brinca com brincadeiras de patos, com pessoas e ri de tudo. Que escreve coisas inesquecíveis em seu diário. Que gravou cenas em sua cabeça que jamais serão esquecidas. Um sujeito, certamente, fantástico. Um sujeito que da nome a um jeito de ser.

E quantos tantos não passaram por ai? Pra onde foi os que vieram depois? E certamente vieram.
Vivem por ai, nas cabeças e memorias de uns poucos.

Tenho que agradecer a ela. Talvez tenha sido ai, que sem nem mesmo perceber, tudo começou a mudar. Talvez.

Não ambiciono nada alem de mim. E não chame isto de egoísmo, mas muito pelo contrario.
Ser a própria ambição eh a busca que poucos se arriscam a enfrentar.

Um quarto vazio. Uma vista la fora. Um lugar que de fato existe.

Um zunido constante, que há de parar.

Friday, 13 February 2009

1209 press-ups

How many days will Pimpo takes to get 1029 press-ups donne?!

Make your beats as "comments"!! Starting tonight!

I'll try to perform all the different variations, including the malthese and hindu ones!

(I know... I'll replace this pic with one of me...)

[ press-up  push-up ]

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Target Train

Starts here when the mobile company T-Mobile decided to make a viral video in the Liverpool Street Station 11:00 in the morning on 15th January, with a dance which looks like improvisation but the choreography was practiced before. The action was advertised on indoors palate in the principals station all over London, had success and very fast it was spread on the internet. Such simple and fast idea couldn't be better done. 3.586.157 views in 1 month or less then these. Fantastic!

People from the Facebook inspired in the T-mobiles video decide to make another “flashmob” which was planed on-line, but now it became into a little problem. The Liver Pool St. station is tight for 14.000 dancers and it was closed for a wile because of the high number of curious. Whatever, nobody was arrested and no crimes were noticed. Another meeting is planning to be happen on Friday 13 on Trafalgal Square and these time we, form the Twelve0nine, are going to be there.

VIdeo T-mobile

Pics from the croud.

Thanx Guys!

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

2 for 1

This is a sort of buy 1 get one for free post. I can start with a literary tip, recommending the book I've been reading for the past few weeks and than move on to another new wonder from the internet.

The book is "Franny and Zooey", by J.D. Salinger, which grabbed my interest after I read a review in a blog somewhere I don't remember now. Anyway, a long time ago I read "The Catcher in the Rye" and it instantly became one of my all-time favorite classics and I had always thought of reading something else by Salinger and now I've started doing so.

And now comes the second advice: I'm still in the middle of the book, but I'm already curious to understand a little bit more about it, so while browsing Wikipedia I stumbled upon this which is a site that provides videos from lecturers in some of the world's best universities teaching several subjects, from literature to physics, all for free and available anytime, anywhere. The video about "Franny and Zooey" is here.



Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Royal Geographical Society

The Royal Geographical Society is a British learned society founded in 1830 with the name Geographical Society of London for the advancement of geographical sciences, under the patronage of King William IV. It absorbed the 'Association for Promoting the Discovery of the Interior Parts of Africa'--also known as the African Association--(founded by Sir Joseph Banks in 1788), the Raleigh Club and the Palestine Association. It was given a Royal charter by Queen Victoria in 1859.


Founding members of the Society include Sir John Barrow, Sir John Franklin and Francis Beaufort. It has been a key associate and supporter of many famous explorers and expeditions, including those of:

  • Charles Darwin
  • Ernest Shackleton
  • James Kingston Tuckey
  • David Livingstone
  • William Ogilvie
  • Scott of the Antarctic
  • Richard Francis Burton
  • John Hanning Speke
  • George W. Hayward
  • Henry Morton Stanley
  • Sir Edmund Hillary
  • Filipe Moura

[ ][ ]

Monday, 9 February 2009

O cheiro da mochila
de capim molhada
no tapete
la do quarto
do sonho
de liberdade
do caminho
da descoberta
do frio na barriga
da conquista
de mim.

Friday, 6 February 2009

Flat 1210 !!!

Yep! That's it! The Flat 1210 is available!!
I've just received a call from the rent agency, offering us the flat just besides ours!!

So, if you're interested, give me a shout NOW!!

The guy is calling me back late today.

Important communication.

If you see a woman or a man laying asleep on the pavement or on any floor please wake her/him up, perhaps she/he wants to go home but just doesn’t realize it until awake.

I’ve been sleeping on many trains & buses till the last stop but at least on comfortable seats;

I woke up in unknown places and experienced something new each time.

But laying beside a wall in a cold train station or bus stop in the middle of a crowded street is not a good rest and not at all an interesting experience.

I’m glad of having been woken up by strangers, and here I want to thank them.

Thank you all for letting me realize of being exposed in the cold and possibly being in danger but mostly thank you for having taken away from the pavement a man who just wanted to sleep and not be wasted.

Faithfully Yours

Luca Fredianelli Anywhere Anytime

reflexões de um preguiçoso

morrow  (môr, mr)

1. The following day: resolved to set out on the morrow.
2. The time immediately subsequent to a particular event.
3. Archaic The morning.
[Middle English morwe, morow, variant of morwen, from Old English morgen, morning (!!!!).]

(to morrow: para a manha! pra amanha!)

a. 1. Last; last past; next before; of or pertaining to yesterday.

to day.  (para o dia. para hoje. to day)

[Middle English to dai, from Old English t dæge : t, to; see to + dæge, dative of dæg, day; see agh- in Indo-European roots.]

(could be when the day turns into a verb...)

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

from the land down under

Just to remember you that things always have another point of view.

tower bridge - london

Monday, 2 February 2009

56 years of reflections

Without any apologies, but about the meaning in itself.

March on Washington - 1963

Obama inauguration - 2009

Me, Ananias, the Guardian

At the sound of the Rolling Stones...

"Don't play with me cause you're playing with fire!!"

the guardian.